
Postgraduate studies

When I started to study, I always thought about finishing my career and as soon as possible, start to work. I never thought about continuing to study or specialize me in something, because I saw that possibility very far from my reach. However, this last year I have been reconsidering these thoughts and I have decided that I want to continue my studies. Now, what to study? Given my tastes, I think I would like to specialize me in methodology, specifically in quantitative methodology, but where to study ?. It is a difficult question and depends on many things, what scholarships I can get, what languages ​​I should know, which universities have programs that adapt to what I want. According to what I have observed, there are two programs that interest me: the Master in Data Science at the LSE (London School of Economics and Political Science) and the Master of Statistics at the KU Leuven (Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven). The first, as the name says, is located in London, England,

The job of my dreams

Hi everyone, today I'm going to write about the job that I would like do in the future. First of all, when I was a kid, I imagine me travelling, knowing people, talking with strangers around the world only with my backpack, having a minimal cost life without concern about future or money. Now, I imagine me in an office, working 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 49 weeks a year (the other 3 weeks in vacations). I hope for that, but I have to recognize that having a stable job in my career is not easy. I'm studying sociology, and the most common jobs in this career are temporal jobs, taking part of a research project or planification social project. Sincerely I must tell you, sometimes I think in the second option and I think that for me would be very tediuos and boring, but maybe this would be the most likely job. Now, talking about the salary, I would like a salary that allow me to paid the rent, bills, and dinner sometimes. As you can see, I haven't so many wishes an

Choosing a career

Hello, today I'm going to write about some personal decitions that I've make in my life. When I was younger, I was really obsessed with maths and physics and I really wanted to study Engineering mathematics, so I decided to apply for "Plan Común" in Beauchef campus. Once there, I began to notice that people were really strange, they seems out of the reality for me, and that all because they had very selfish wishes for their lifes, like living in a rich neighbour, had two or more cars, or whatever implies a very high income. So, for this kind of things I decided to chage my career. My first option was sociology, but I had not given the history test in the PSU for that period, and as I doesn't want to waste my skills in maths, I decided to study pedagogy in maths and physics for free in Juan Gomez Millas campus. It wasn't a good year, and I had to recognize that at the end of the year, I was boring with the same stuff, so I decided to try again with the PS

The last serie that I saw.

It's hard to think about the best movie or series that I've ever see, but today I'm going to talk about the last serie that I saw. The name is Salvation and it's about a MIT student (Liam Cole) who is trying to solve the three-body problem and the n-body problem in base to a map of the solar system maked with the help of gravitation signals. So, while his research, he discover a 7 kilometers asteroid which going to colide with Earth in six months. So, Liam go with this information to his profesor and then, suddenly he disappear, with all his research. In this point, Liam go with Darius Tanz, an ex-MIT student who lead a technology company to tell him all the truth. When they realise that the goverments plans won't work, they star to work in an Em-Drive motor to launch a gravity tractor in time to change the course of the asteroid. The story it's full of drama and suspense, specially for all the secrecy with the asteroid and the conspiracys to take the go

The best concert of this year

Hello, today I'm going to talk about the best concert I've ever had this year: the concert of Francisco Victoria. Francisco Victoria is a young musician from the region of Araucanía, specifically, from Victoria. For this reason his artistic name is Francisco Victoria. In an interview he told that he make this pseudonym because with this, the people of him town couldn’t find him on the internet, so they couldn’t realize that he is making music. All this only because he want to return to Victoria from time to time as someone else. I was invited by my girlfriend, so I went with her. It was a rainy day, that's why they did it under a tent. He was playing his debut album (Prenda) for the first time. The concert lasted between 30 and 40 minutes, where they played some guest musicians, such as Felicia Morales. Honestly, I think the atmosphere, the music and the lighting made this concert the best concert of this year.  I hope you can listen to him, his music is hi

A country I would like to visit

Hello, today I’m going to talk about a country I would like to visit. One of the countries I would like to visit is Norway, specifically, the city of Bergen. One of the main reasons for this is that my uncle lives there since many years. There is a few things that I know about Norway, like that they have one of the most egalitarian economies in the world, with a very low Gini index. In addition, the minimum wage can be enough to have a quiet life with your family, even if you don’t have a professional job. This is because the State provide the basic rights to their citizens. They have free health and free education, with a very good quality. Thinking about the most touristic side of the country, I would like to visit the Bryggen, which is the historical district of the city of Bergen. There are many wooden buildings which were build 800 years ago. Thanks to this, UNESCO declared Bryggen in 1979 as a World Heritage Site. There are too many more reasons to visit Norway, so I hope tha